Discover who you were meant to be

The Youth Group at Cornerstone is a welcoming community of 7th - 12th graders where students can explore life’s big questions and find real answers in faith. 

Wednesday Nights

6:30 - 8:30 pm for students in grades 7-12

Bring a friend for some fun 

Youth Group on Wednesday nights is a safe space to connect with friends, play fun games, enjoy snacks, and tackle everyday challenges all to deepen your understanding of God’s love.6:30 - 8:30 pm for students in grades 7-12

Sunday Mornings

10:30 - 11:30 am for students in grades 7 - 12

Dive in and go deeper 

Our Sunday morning bible study is designed for students to ask the tough questions. Our skilled leaders will introduce bible topics and encourage discussion for students to deepen their faith.


While we have several theme nights and smaller events throughout the year, we always count down to Frenzy, Impact, and Zeteo.  


A year-long competition with crazy games, prizes, and an emphasis on introducing your friends to Jesus.


Each July we attend Impact, a summer camp hosted by Salt ‘n’ Light ministries: powerful worship, outdoor adventures, challenging teaching, and too many s’mores.


A unique winter retreat where students are encouraged to seek and find God through worship, teachings, and a drama unfolding over the course of the weekend.